2022 is running (so) fast

Dr Eugene Ojirigho
2 min readFeb 5, 2022

The other day in the office, a colleague wondered aloud about the speed at which the days are running by. Well, I have been having the same thoughts as well. So, I'm not alone in thinking that at this pace, 2022 will be over before you say Jack.🤷

Photo by Luba Ertel on Unsplash

Why are the days running by seemingly quickly?🤔

Let me Google it and find an answer. Give me a minute

Web capture of my Google search

I think I need to change my approach. The above search is not giving me what I want.

Why is 2022 running so fast?

Web capture of my Google search

Finally, I’m up to something. What is this thing about 2021 been the shortest year in 50 years? Uhm, I was searching for 2022. Well, never mind.🤷 If 2021 was shortest in 50 years, what about 2022? Are you thinking what am thinking?😉

Well, let me read more about this fastest 2021, the Usain Bolt of years. I’ll come back.

Well, according to the Why 2021 could be a shorter year than normal — CBBC Newsround, the earth is spinning faster on it’s axis. A 24-hour day is the time it takes for the earth to have a full spin on it’s axis. So, if the earth is spinning faster, we should have shorter days. However, the difference is only in milliseconds. We may not even notice it, no cause for alarm.

So, I still don’t know why the days of 2022 are running out fast. However, I’ve learnt something new:

Leap Seconds. I have heard of leap years before, every 4 years a day is added to the calendar, but I have never heard of leap seconds before. Well, did you know that since 1972, leap seconds have been in use? The earth has been spinning a bit slower, and thus, leap seconds are added to make up for that. However, since 2016, no leap seconds have been added because the earth has been spinning faster instead. And, since the earth is spinning much faster in 2021, it was proposed that a leap second be subtracted to keep up. Stuff!😊

On a final note, instead of complaining about the days running fast, let me take advantage of the time I have. We move! 🏃



Dr Eugene Ojirigho

I write, I teach, I educate, on a variety of issues: health, science, history, politics, current and trending issues. I just want to write and share my views.